1:400 AIDAblu, AIDAsol, AIDAmar, AIDAstella

Preis in e-shop mit MwSt.: 80,38 €
Donnerstag 23.01. Sie können es im Zentralgeschäft Nademlejnská kaufen
Freitag 24.01. kann bei Ihnen zu Hause sein
Hersteller: Revell
Warenkode: 5230 405230
EAN: 4009803052304

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Revell - 1:400 AIDAblu, AIDAsol, AIDAmar, AIDAstella - 5230

Explore the world of the most beautiful smile on the high seas! AIDA combines cruising, wellness holiday, city break and experiencing nature with all the amenities of a floating hotel. Unlimited variety on board and ashore, premium quality and service as well as attractive all-in offers offer complete and allround satisfaction. These ships with their striking red lips adorning the bow are amongst the most innovative and environmentally friendly ships in the world. The motto This is the home of the smile is a promise to their guests: AIDA brings happiness.

- World-class entertainment in the glass Theatrium covering three decks
- Large sundeck with LED wall and swimming-pool
- Four buffet restaurants, three a la carte restaurants, eleven bars
- One of the largest spas on the high seas
- Modern fitness studio and open air sport deck
- 4D-Kino, art galerie and shops


Scale: 1:400
Length: 634 mm
Number of parts: 380
Skill level: 5

Required Revell colors:

Main: 05, 15, 34, 50, 83, 85, 89, 301, 310, 365
Additional: 302, 382, 56, 92, 330, 147

Must buy:

The colors
Glue for plastic models

Ersatzteile und zugehörige Erzeugnisse

92 Artikel

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79787186 5,91 €
Lager 3 stk
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