1:144 Space Shuttle Discovery

Preis in e-shop mit MwSt.: 52,30 €
Lager 3 stk
OC Šestka 2 stk
Karolíny Světlé 1 stk
Mittwoch 26.02. kann bei Ihnen zu Hause sein
Hersteller: Revell
Warenkode: 4736 404736
EAN: 4009803047362

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Revell - 1:144 Space Shuttle Discovery - 4736

In 1972, NASA began building the Space Shuttle as a transport system joining Earth and Space. The Space Shuttle Orbiter is 37m long and has a 24m wingspan, at launch uses 2 detachable Rocket Boosters (with external fuel tanks), and when it has finished its mission in space, it re-enters the atmosphere where it glides like an airplane and lands. The size of crew may vary, but on most occasions a total of seven people including pilot, commander, and several mission specialists can be accommodated for a 4 week mission. In the payload area, satellites and experimental devices can be loaded for each mission. April 12 1981, was the first successful launch of Space Shuttle Columbia. This continued with other scheduled space shuttles flights such as Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis in the 1980's including Endeavor in 1992. Each space shuttle carries a space laboratory being able to carry out various experiments.

- Highly detailed static display model in 1:144 scale


Scale: 1:144
Decals for 1 version
Number of parts: 97
Skill level: 4

Required Revell colors:

Main: 05, 09, 17, 79, 301, 302, 371, 382
Additional: 02, 57, 78, 85, 90, 91, 99

Must buy:

The colors
Glue for plastic models

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