1:32 Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter

Preis in e-shop mit MwSt.: 104,64 €
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Mittwoch 26.02. kann bei Ihnen zu Hause sein
Hersteller: Italeri
Warenkode: 2509 79502509
EAN: 8001283025096

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Italeri - 1:32 Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter - 2509

The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter is one of the most famous fighters in the history of aviation and also one with the longest operational life: its history began at the end of the 50s and ended, for some air forces, in mid 2000s. From its unique aerodynamic design, characterized by slender fuselage and very little wing surface, was developed the combat-capable two-seat advanced trainer version TF-104.

Among the most widespread version, the TF-104G, produced by Lockheed was a fundamental training step for all the combat pilots before to seat in the F-104G or F-104S single-seat fighter version cockpits. Compared to the single-seat, the TF-104G didn’t have the 20 mm gun and the centerline pylon but, thanks to the General Electric J79 turbojet engine, the pilot and the trainer could have the same flight experience and performance of the fighter version. A lot of N.A.T.O. air forces used the TF-104G to perform training duties as Belgium, Holland, Norway, Spain, Turkey, Germany and Italy.

Kit Characteristic:

  • Fully engraved moulds.
  • Finely engraved recessed panel lines and rivets.
  • Fully detailed engine, cockpit and avionics bay.
  • Open or closed air brakes.
  • Two huge decals for eight versions.
  • Instruction sheet with color profiles.
  • Contains 343 plastic parts, 47 photo-etched parts.


  • Scale: 1:32
  • Length: 520 mm,
  • No. of Decal Options: 8,
  • Skill Level: 5.

Required Italeri Colors:

  • 4314AP, 4315AP, 4605AP, 4677AP, 4678AP, 4679AP, 4696AP, 4709AP, 4726AP, 4754AP, 4763AP, 4765AP, 4768AP, 4786AP.

Required Items:

  • the colors,
  • glue for plastic models,
  • thinner,
  • brushes.

Ersatzteile und zugehörige Erzeugnisse

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