Stealthwake 23 Deep-V RTR

Preis in e-shop mit MwSt.: 280,81 €
Dienstag 25.02. Sie können es im Zentralgeschäft Nademlejnská kaufen
Mittwoch 26.02. kann bei Ihnen zu Hause sein
Hersteller: Proboat
Warenkode: PRB08015I
EAN: 605482596685

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Proboat - Stealthwake 23 Deep-V RTR - PRB08015I

The razor-sharp Stealthwake™ 23-inch Deep-V comes ready to blend in and turn heads at a moment’s notice. The perfect addition to any arsenal, the Stealthwake™ 23 Deep-V is ideal when the mission calls for speed, precision, and style. Armed with an under-the-radar black matte finish and lethally efficient 550-size motor, the Stealthwake 23 Deep-V comes equipped to covertly take out your competition with speed and style they’ll never see coming. No matter what the assignment calls for, the Stealthwake 23 Deep-V has you covered with an unbeatable RTR setup sure to leave the competition stupefied.


- Impressive, water-cooled 550 size motor
- Dynamite® 7.2V 2400mAh NiMH Dynamite® battery and charger included
- Pro Boat® 2.4GHz marine radio system for extended range and interference-free operation
- Streamlined Deep-V hull made from durable ABS plastic
- Boat stand included
- 60A Li-Po ready ESC
- Whiplash inducing trim scheme and design
- Waterproof electronics

Technical data:

Length: 23 in (584.2mm)
Beam: 7.12 in (180.8mm)
Motor Size: 550 size 15-Turn
Radio: ECX 2.4GHz Transmitter, 2-Channel V3
Speed Control: WP 60A FWD/REV Brushed ESC
Hull Material: ABS
Trim Scheme Colors: Matte
Prop Size: 1.6×2.5" Plastic
Hull Type: V-Hull
Battery: 6–7C (7.2–8.4V) NiMH or 2S (7.4V) LiPo recommended
Scale: 23-inch
Drive System: Driveshaft
Is Assembly Required: No


Technische Daten

Typ Rychlostní člun
Trup Deep-V
Délka 584.2mm
Šířka 180,8 mm
Výška 114,3 mm
Druh pohonu Elektro
Motor 550 15T
Vysílač ECX 2.4GHz 2 kanálový V3
Regulátor WP 60A s reverzem
Lodní šroub 1.6× 2.5 plast
Doporučená baterie 6-7čl. (7,2-8,4V) NiMH nebo 2S (7,4V) LiPol




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