1:16 Fokker Dr.I Red Baron's Airplane

Preis in e-shop mit MwSt.: 339,11 €
Lager 1 stk
OC Šestka 1 stk
Dienstag 11.03. kann bei Ihnen zu Hause sein
Hersteller: Artesanía Latina
Warenkode: AL20350
EAN: 8421426203509

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Artesanía Latina - 1:16 Fokker Dr.I Red Baron's Airplane - AL20350

The best aerial replica of the market – Fokker Dr.I, the mythical Red Baron's airplane! Designed with the latest 3D technologies and the experience of our team of modelers, this wooden model with metal is the same than the original aircraft was built. It includes step-by-step instructions with video tutorials and hundreds of photos for a simpler and more pleasant assembly.

The new modeling kit of the German triplane Fokker Dr.I of the Red Baron will delight modelers. It is a wooden model of the German plane with a scale 1/16, very compact and has numerous details. Faithful replica of the original even with the same materials: metal, for the structure; and wood, for the wings.

Suitable for exhibition in any dependency even having a large scale for its compact measures. In addition, the Fokker scale model has the best and most detailed multimedia instructions on the market with 7 languages ​​on DVD: video tutorials and more than 600 photos that teach you precisely all the steps to build this fantastic model, that is, up to Get a museum quality model.

It has unique high quality details, and it includes a fantastic BONUS that will make you fall in love with this magnificent piece: beautiful methacrylate stand with the name of the plane, brass and steel engraving, injected metal parts, cockpit details, metal structure and wings made of wood, without forgetting the poster of the plane to scale 1:1. The model is easy to build and has more than 750 pieces.


Technische Daten

Scale 1:16
Wingspan [mm] 450
Length [mm] 360
Height [mm] 184
Number of Parts More than 750
Model Material Wood, textile, metal

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